Alright so a bit of filler this week cos the party's I thought were on this week are actually on NEXT weekend. The high point of the weekend though was spending the day driving the Big Boys explorer around all day listening to the Cool Kids with the Big Boy and the Urinator. For those that dont know - here is what a Ford Explorer looks like.
Heres what I look like
And heres an artists impression of what I would look like driving a Ford explorer
Good times. In fact such good times we celebrated with MLT (meat loaf time).
Three mates - but only one empty plate. Mine. Ridin dirrrrty really gives you an appetite.
We also got tickets to this
$80. Ouch! If you still have $80 dollars in your pocket I suggest you get involved.
This, however, would have to be my favorite picture from the weekend.
Pretty boring right? Shit no! Look again fool.
This is basically my nerve center. This is pretty much the rest of my year planned out on my coffee table. Crazy. I feel like its going to be a great fucking year if I can just be patient.....
So as always, I leave you with a song. This is from "Flight of the Conchords". These guys finally make me a little less embarrassed to be half Kiwi.
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