Here are some photos from a few weeks back. I wasnt going to put them up but I figured why not? There are some good ones in here.
Saturday night started off celebrating with a bbq for my boy Outward Obtooce
I couldnt stay long - I had to get home cos I was being picked up to go to the roller derby...but first, preparation. Hoolio likes the trees
I prefer these
Yeah the excitement was building. Got to the roller derby and saw this in the car park. Me acting hard
The roller derby was cool as always. I dont remember who won cos I wasnt paying attention. I had heaps of photos but there were all the same so here is one of the coolest ads for Coke I have ever seen
These next three photos would have been awesome if the bitch in the background didnt ruin the first one
After that it was off to Reubin Barachello's birthday. We got a lift with some mates. I was hiding from Pauly
He was doing his zombie impression. Night of the living dead sponsored riders.
We got to the party and got beers. This is how me and Matty roll. Look at my face!
Me and Big aka Big Poppa
This is not a booty shot, this is a BABY shot. See you in March lil fella
So there you have it.
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