It wasnt a total loss though. I spotted a painting which made it all worth while

This girl wanted to get down with The Future

The Future is branching out into dairy

We decided that if we were going to have to pay for beers we may as well go somewhere decent so we bounced to Shanghai Dumpling (no footage), then onto Charltons for some Karaoke. Mike T is a regular here. They even have a drink named after him. No shit - its called the Mike Tea (geddit?). I dont remember what is in it but it is delicious.

Mike T or JT?

I was thinking of doing some Karaoke but went home instead.
Saturday. Headed down to C-Wood cos my boy Hoolio's shop was having a big closing down sale.

All this had to go (but didnt).

More importantly they also had free beer (I know, its crazy).

Found some unusual suspects

Im in this photo. Can you see me?

Selling shit

Looking baller

After the shop shut I got the behind the scenes tour. There is some creepy shit under that store. And not just Jake.

And a big arse pile of rubbish out the back

And so concludes this weeks adventures. Next Friday is Nas and Kanye West at Rod Laver. It should be good but The Man wont let me take my camera so you will have to rely on someone else for that one. Sorry.
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