Whats up? Had a crushing experience Friday night. Went to see my heroes De La Soul at the Espy and I have to say that the Espy may be THE shittest venue in Melbourne. Your God damn right I said it. I know heaps of people will crack the sads at this but I see the same shit at every gig I go to: the bouncers are fucking jerks - when my boy Wee Man gave the guy on the door his Mclovin ID as a joke the guy confiscated it as he said it was a fake ID. They always have about 17 fucking supports spread over two rooms, it takes about half an hour to get a beer, clashing performance times, headliners dont come on till around 1 am, and worst of all is the over crowding!!! Fuck! When De La came on (in the front bar for some stupid reason) there were so many people that no matter where I stood people kept bumping into me, squeezing in front of me, spilling beer on my kicks etc. In a last ditch attempt to enjoy myself I went to the furthest point in the room from the stage and still couldnt find enough space. I cracked the shits and left early. I was well disapointed. Cut Chemist was good though. The guy is a freak and always puts on a good show. And I got a De La t shirt so not a total loss. So what do I do? Ghostface is playing at the Espy next month and would be awesome to see but I dont know if I can put up with that shit again. I will probably still go. And here is one of the many reasons why
Jumped on my bike last night and headed over to North Melbourne. They are doing work on one of the hospitals there and at night the cranes are all lit up. Thought it would be a good photo opportunity. I got this bike a few weeks ago and meant to put photos of it up bit didnt get round to it so here is one. It is a Charge and it is rad. I am also a member of the Street Vipers. You better recognise.
Don't blog about it kid. Write them a fucking letter of complaint. It sounds completely gay but people respond to that shit. Everything you just wrote about the gig, in the letter, add a Dear Sir/Madam and a Yours sincerely at the end and that's it. They will at least pass it on to the promoter who is obviously a cock smack who doesn't care about their punters only about the $$$ but fuck it. There are way better venues in Melbourne. Keep up the good work. I love this blog.
Well said Walshy. Dig. And you're a little biatch for getting to see de la soul. They're playng in Manchester in a month. Goin' to try and get there for surely.
Don't blog about it kid. Write them a fucking letter of complaint. It sounds completely gay but people respond to that shit. Everything you just wrote about the gig, in the letter, add a Dear Sir/Madam and a Yours sincerely at the end and that's it. They will at least pass it on to the promoter who is obviously a cock smack who doesn't care about their punters only about the $$$ but fuck it. There are way better venues in Melbourne. Keep up the good work. I love this blog.
Well said Walshy. Dig.
And you're a little biatch for getting to see de la soul. They're playng in Manchester in a month. Goin' to try and get there for surely.
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