Watching Jamie Hay at The Arthouse is an awesome way to spend a Sunday

He's playing there this Sunday. I suggest you check it out - there is a free entry and free BBQ. Dont be un Australian.
I figured since it took so long to finally open that I should go and check out the Southern Star. I was a bit disappointed. It moves so slow it doesnt even stop when you get on and I thought the view was better from Eureka tower. I suppose it was ok.

We also said good bye to 08. It was a fun night. We got our drink on and rode around on bikes. I didnt take nearly enough photos but here are a few favourites. Before a big night its good to get your grub on

We went into the city for a few ales. It was only about 9:30 but Pauly was already getting loose

Then rode to the Northcote bridge to watch the fireworks minus the bogans

Riding bikes + drinking in the street + New Years booty = good times.
Didnt take any photos of us on the bikes.
We recovered for a few days then headed to Sydney for a week. I had never been to Sydney before and was quite surprised to find out that its a pretty awesome place. I saw the bridge

and the Opera house

Sydney is.....

Then it was off to the Blue Mountains. Of all the photos I took for some reason I chose this one. Its not even that good.

I also managed to knock over two seasons of "Dexter" while I was on holidays. If you dont know by now Dexter is the shit. Watch it and you wont be sorry. I cant wait to see season three. I give it the "thumb of approval".

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