Here at long last are the photos from Josh (Wee Man), and Meister's going away.
We went to the Hoffbrau Haus to get our grub on and drink litres of beer.
Wee Man

A photo of the backs of everyones heads

Food, beer, money

Each glass = 1 litre of beer

Bob loved it



Krisla the baker

Litres of beer make people act strange

and Breeze gets her trash on

I threw the smoke bombs down and white ninja'd for a while to take photos in China town.

Took this photo and heard some ruckus behind me. Went to investigate and found some cute girls getting their drink on before going to BANG! or some indy club.

Kicked it for a bit and turns out I knew one of them from a party at The Heist. Cute girls love The Future.

They invited me to go with them and I wish I did but I had to rendezvous with the crew.
Word bar getting our drank on


The cougars were on the prowl

Other stuff happened. Woke with a hang over. Back to work Monday. One day off is not enough.
I know it is late notice but if you have any plans for tomorrow night you should probably cancel them and head to this

Breeze says:
Thanks Luke, good to know you got my back.
Swalsh, your getting better behind the lens little man! AND your finally starting to get your click on of the girly girls with there permission(Not very lurk-erish of you!)
Cougars, roawr. And roawr is how they'd feel afterwards, ah heh heh.
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