He spits hot fire!!

When I got inside I was greeted by some unsavory characters mixing drinks. Good times.

There was food. It was good.

I wasnt impressed with his lack of respect for corn. What would the Indians say?

From here I headed to the city to see the Cool Kids. I had been looking forward to this all week.
But then it happened............

After a couple of these my recollections of the evening turn hazy. I was there for the Cool Kids - I know cos I got the photos - but like I said its all a bit hazy.

Jmery was there too. If you read this Jmery thanks for the drinks and putting up with my shit and telling you to "check my blog out man!"

After the Cool Kids I walked home. I bumped into more shady characters. This guy wanted some change. No dice.

Apparently I did this too - I wonder where it was?

Needless to say I felt like shit on Sunday. But what can you do. Till next week. I will leave you with a song - I cant remember the first time I herd this but it kills me every time.
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