We almost caught a tram into the City. Big Boi and Wee Wee thought they would practice their Souljah Boys'. "Now superman that Hoooooooooo......" Who says white people cant dance?

We arrived early so passed the time in the usual fashion.



Yeah we get loose. Aks about us.

The crowd was big

It was around this time that a fat bouncer came up to me and said something along the lines of "if you dont put that fucking camera away Im going to take it off you". The Man is always trying to keep me down.
After the show some other stuff happened but its not really worth a mention. Mostly drinking, followed by a long walk home with sore head the next day.
But that doesnt stop me.....
Friday night was another Outward Obtooce show. It had all the right ingredients for good times.
Big Booty

Big beers

Some people needed two hands just to pick them up! DJ Bacon was dumbfounded.

OO put on another great show

The Cops came but they couldnt stop us

Outward spent most of his time on the bar.

Coin Flow Dollar, Dragonfly, Outward Obtuce and Bacon on the decks in the back ground.

After the show its the after party. Turns out we had to go back to the eighties though.

I wasnt dressed appropriately so I did another long walk home with a sore head in the morning. Can you see the trend appearing? Thank God I had another two days to recover........
So end this weeks adventures of your boy The Future aka Luka aka Lucas aka Lucas with the lid off aka littly Walshy aka Walshy aka Dizzle aka Walsh Dogg aka Sambo aka the negrotiator aka LB aka LBW aka Nacro boy aka Snoop aka Mission Mole aka Lupus Fiasco aka E Double aka The Bath House Brawler aka Esco.......
Anyway here is a song. Im not really expecting people to enjoy this but who knows?
Its Mavado with "Last Night"
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