Saturday, June 28, 2008

Down and Out in Buenos Airies

When I booked my trip the travel agent said that he spent 10 months traveling around Sth America and in that time he went to B.A 3 times because he liked it so much. It was on the strength of this that I thought it would be a good idea to check it out. Unfortunately though I didnt have such a good time - and here is why. First of all when I got of the plane I got a taxi into B.A which was pretty exciting. I was finally over seas after about 6 months of planning and saving. The taxi driver probably could have driven for Nascar which was exciting - driving through B.A at 140 k´s in between lanes, switching lanes at lightning pace etc. Unfortunately when I got to the hostel he hit me up for $180 pesos (thats about $60). I didnt have it and didnt know any better so I gave him $120 pesos and after I showed him that that was all the money I had he let me out. Anyway the hostel was cool - I met some good peeps and hung with them for a few days but since all of my preperation was for Brazil I didnt really have much to do in B.A. I was basically just wasting time. Then, last Saturday I went out to a club and did it big. Real big. I wont go into details but lets just say that the end result was me loosing my fucking wallet, attmpting to catch a taxi into town, getting ripped off by a taxi driver again, dropped about an hours walk (or at least it felt like it) from my hostel and waking up with seven pesos in my pocket. So the next few days were spent resolving the issue of the missing wallet (major shout out to my dad for wiring me cash - without which would mean I would probably be sleeping on the street in B.A) and when that was sorted I got the fuck out of B.A.
I have spent the last few days in Iguazu Falls which has been awesome - I have taken lots of photo´s but you may have to wait a while to see them as I forgot the usb lead for my camera and most of the computers I have come across look like they are from 1922. Right now its 5 in the afternoon and Im having a beer wasting time until my bus to Rio which leaves at 1:15 in the morning and gets in just before midnight on Saturday. That could be interisting. If you dont hear from me for more than a week it may mean that I was shanked at a Rio bus station. Feel free to hit me up on Facebook but dont waste you time with my myspace - Im going to delete my account soon. Until then, stay classy. Your international correspondant. Futch.