Friday, July 4, 2008

Favela Livin´

I went on a tour to the Rochina (pronounced Hoe-sheen-ya) Favela yesterday. Its one of the oldest favela´s and they say biggest favela in Sth America with around 200,000 people. It was pretty crazy - we got picked up in a mini van and taken to the bottom of the favela then we had to get on motorbikes and taken to the top. I was pretty sure I was going to come off my bike - the guy driving was okay but the roads were choas with busses and motorbikes and shit everywhere. So at the top our guide told us about the favela and we walked around, went to a comunity centre, saw some kids do some drumming, had some food - good times. It was interesting to see but I was expecting to see some crazy shit or have some story about ducking stray bullets - I have probably seen City of God too many times. One thing that was pretty crazy - Ja Rule is putting a concert on in the favela in a couple of weeks. If ever there was a time to raise up and move out of the ghetto this would be it.

Apart from that its all good. I have had a few deadly hang overs in Rio. Cachasa is not a drink to mess with - it may taste delicious but its straight up trouble. Its 9 in the morning now so I think I will go see the steps where Snoop filmed the Beautiful video. Tonight there is a big street party in Lapa, tomorrow Im going to a rain forest, then on Monday Im going to see the Christ statue. Im in Rio till next Tuesday as I am still waiting for my bank card to arrive (which is turning into a fucking saga) and once I have that I will be heading north.
I hope the weather in Melbourne is nice!!!
Steady Bloggin´
Lucas with the lid off!