Seriously what the fuck is this? Wu Tang, Offspring, and Good Charlotte? Who came up with this winning combination? Are Offspring even still bringing out albums? They are still making announcements as to who are playing but from looking at the WEBSITE it appears it will be a mostly Metal affair (not good metal) and will probably cost over 100 bucks. Balls!
On some good touring news it appears that Faith No More will be touring Australia in February 2010. Awesome. Check here for more info FNM
So all the hating aside, here is some love. Thanks go out to my old man for picking this little gem up on ebay. The Nikon F70

I took a few pictures with it the other day as a trial run and some turned out ok so I will try and get them on the interweb asap.
Also a gift from my pops was this

If you havent got it go get it. It is awesome.
Getting sick and cold weather suck...I was on a beach in Brazil this time last year.
I served two brazilian girls the other day, they were jaw droppingly pretty and had the best asses that I've seen in ages. I had to bite my knuckles and try and do that click thing that they all do. I failed. SFPC.
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