Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Big News

I know I have been mentioning this for a while but it is the kind of thing you want to be sure of before you go blogging about it. And here it is. Im leaving. Last week I booked a one way ticket to Spain, leaving at the end of March, and Im not sure when Im coming back. I wouldnt really call it the travel bug I just think the world is an incredible place so why not try see as much as you can.

At this stage the rough plan is as follows: Spain for three / four months (hopefully working), travel around Europe for a bit, then head over to Canadia to work a snow season. I figure if I am going to do a winter in the northern hemisphere then why not make the most of it. After that hopefully things will be heating up again so I will head down to New York and stay there as long as possible, then head to Mexico, Cuba, make my way to South America, hopefully Brasil again, then home.
Its weird you know, you master mind this big trip with all the places you want to visit and talk about it.... I dont know, it seems like a pretty crazy plan to be honest but I cant see any reason why it wouldnt work. Unless I run out of cash.

So, enjoy me while you can people cos there is a chance I might not be back till 2012. Holy shit. Shouldnt we be living like Bladerunner by then? Dont worry though, I will still be bloggin world wide, keeping you all informed of my Futuristic adventures, and taking photos by the tonne.

Good times.

Serious good times.

On un related news the following goes out to my homies at Monza. I know Youtube has been blocked so hopefully this works. Jamie, Paul & Adrian - Enjoy.

[Commercial] Nike SB Paul Rodriguez 3 - "Today was a good day" from Julien Castanier on Vimeo.


Tatey 180 said...

Fuck yeah Walshy! I picked it didn't I and we've never even met...ha! Itinerary sounds awesome - como es tu espanol?? I am so jealous right now I could vomit on my desk! love from tatey!