Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Filler from Manilla

Nothing exciting to report this week Im afraid so here are a few things that continue to rock my jocks off. Thats right, jocks.

Looking for a way to kill some time? Why not create your own pair of awesomeness with either




I got a fresh pair of one off custom "The Future" Adidas on the way. I will post pics on arrival.

Do your self a favor and take some time to check the photographic diabolic rad displayed on the regular at Yimmys Yayo

for example

If I ever get sick of listening to De La Soul it will be a terrible, terrible day.

I couldnt track down the original video cos' copyright infringement is a bastard.

Also, I am enjoying Kid Cudis album

I could keep posting shit like this all night but instead I encourage you to take some time out and check out the links I have posted pon the left hand side. Also, I gots 4 rolls of film I need to use up so as soon as I have some decent pics I will post them.
