Pre drinks at the crib

I leant Briony some kicks because they dont let you into the club with thongs on. Who knew?

Looking fresh

A sign of things to come?

Time to head to the club. We roll out like Reservoir Dogs.

A good feed is always wise before a big night so we stopped off for some Matrix curry (so what if I cant rotate photos).

Briony was looking a little worse for ware

Hmmmm. Classy.

It was no surprise she headed home after this but not before stopping for a nap in Carlton Gardens. Dont worry though - my kicks were fine.
We went to Miss Libertines and were greeted by some good and bad news at the same time

It begins.......

Neither me nor Josh had any cash on us and there was a $20 eftpos minimum so most rounds looked like this

Down in one

Dancefloor lurking

Multi tasking

Soph D. from the Mayoress crew. Check their blog. Its heaps good.

The dance floor was packed

Josh was in fine form. He taught Michael Jackson everything he knows. Except for the stuff with the kids.....

After that tings go a little hazy. I was feeling a little under the weather so I decided to white ninja out of there.
Took some bad photos on the way home.....

Ah yes. Good times. I would have to say though, the highlight of the night would have to be on Sunday hearing the news that both Josh and Briony, at different times during the night, slept in Carlton Gardens. I take my hat off to you both.
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