I almost didnt go because I didnt have anyone to roll with but I got the word that Mike T was going so how could I resist?

Things looked good at the start of the night

It was a good turnout - despite the shitty weather heaps of people showed up. It is amazing what the promise of free beer can do

I was only expecting maybe 3 or 4 beers but I was incorrect. There was beer everywhere

Then the Agwa arrived. Kane is the man. He owns The Heist.

Uh oh

Needless to say we got loose

Heist crew

Then Mike T White Ninja'd out of there to get a hamburger so I decided it was time for a kebab. Back to Fitzroy! Sore head the next day. All in all a good night. Get your self down to The Heist and buy some fresh gear.
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