Won Ton soup!!!!

Then headed to The Evelyn last to see the triumphant return of Outward Obtooce and Coin Flow Dollar. It has been a while since these guys last did a show but they were in fine form. Good turn out for a Thursday too.
The Man OO

Shit was bananas

Who's your crush?

Purple Duck was there too

Friday night was Idgys birthday at Cherry bar. I took heaps of photos. Randoms were asking me to take their photo because they thought I was working for Inpress.
Best photos of the night

Went to bed way too late and got up way too early on Saturday to go to the dawn service. Got a flat riding there too. The service was amazing. 40,000 people turned out to show their respect which was great to see.
The Shrine

Jamie Hay

Princess Bridge

Sunrise from the bridge

"Gunfire Breakfast" Rad photo! Freaky 'Ol bastard!
Great photos. I especially love photos of food. I thought I was the only weirdo that did that. I will send you some of my best shots like "The Christmas Pavlova."
cheers for the viet rose mention. will check it out.
haha ive always wanted to walk around holding a camera under the pretense of working for some magazine.
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