From Manaus I flew down to Sao Paulo which involved a 4 am flight and the risk of not being let on the plane due to lack of a visa but luck went my way and I was let on. Somehow I managed to sleep for most of the flight and I got to Sao Paulo at about 8:30 am. Sao Paulo is a crazy city. Its huge! There is 12 million people in SP and 20 million in greater SP. You drive and drive and drive and it just keeps going. While I was travelling I met a lot of people who said that they didnt like SP and I think that it is because due to its sheer size it can take a little while discover everything.
Luckily for me when I was in Natal I met a nice girl called Camila from Sao Paulo who said she would show me around. I called her the day I got there and she invited me to stay with her and her family in Cotia which is about 40 mins out of Sao Paulo (but still pretty much Sao Paulo). This was one of the best times of my trip. Hanging out, being shown around by locals, and being welcomed into their home was quite a pleasant change from walking around trying to see Sao Paulo by myself and sleeping in a hostel dorm with six other people. I had a ball. I went to Camila's mums 51st birthday, went to a 20th birthday, lurked around Sao Paulo, I even went to Camila's Uni for a class. Economics is hard to understand but economics in Portuguese? Forget about it. Also, I wont go into it here because its a long story but ask me about the the motel and my last day in Sao Paulo. Unfortunately because I was having such a good time the last week flew by and saying goodbye to Camila and her family was the worst things I had to do.
On a better note - here, at long last, are some photo's. I will put some more up over the next couple of days.
Good Blokes

The Gun Show

Pria de Pipa

Drinking Games at Jericaocaora

Another buggy ride in Jeri. Get your tits out.

Ridin dirty buggy style

Good peeps in Jeri

A sea of hammocks on the boat down the Amazon

Two dudes in a hammock. Nothing suss.

Engrish. This was gross. In Brazil you dont put toilet paper in the toilet you put it in a little bin next to the toilet. There were instructions for the tourists. I read some funny ones but I think this was the best. Dont put the what in the what?

I was thinking alot about what music to put on my first blog when I got back - no shit for over a month. I came up with some gold.
This one is not so serious.
Ha! Cheesy. Mid nineties R & B at its finest.
This is a great track though. One of the first Mos Def tracks I ever heard.
Mos Def and DJ Honda - Travelling Man
So now Im back to lurking around Fitzroy but just because Im back doesn't mean you should stop checking this space. Stay tuned for your dose of weekly goodness. If you find me in the club, bottle full of bub, come give me a hug and show The Future some love.
You’re almost a Bad Boy...but I must say, you should had stayed more time in Brasil, you are too scare of things here….lol.
Santi (Mila)
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